Sunday, January 10, 2010

Fundraiser for CASA of Tulare County

Kim Wescott Photography and
Terri Wilson, Regional Vice President of Arbonne, Int.

present a
Portrait & Makeover Fundraiser for CASA of Tulare County

When: Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Where: The home of Terri Wilson
216 N. Marcin Ct., Visalia
Take hwy 198 to Shirk Rd then go north,
turn right on West School St., then right on Marcin Ct.

Time: 6:00 p.m.

What: Terri will help you with a new look for 2010 for a business
or model type portrait then Kim will be taking your portrait that evening

Cost: $30.00 includes makeover, 5x7 print & $10 will be donated to CASA

For more information:
Terri 303-8728 or Kim 625-2025

We hope to see you for an evening of beauty, portraits
& door prizes from Terri & Kim

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